A Suggestion For Pr...
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A Suggestion For Pralana Online, Courtesy of. RightCapital: Overlay of Tax Brackets on Annual Taxable Income

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Hi Stewart and company,

Not to take anything away from Pralana -- which is wonderful -- I'd like to see a graph I first came across when I was debating between Pralana and RightCapital. It overlays tax brackets on top of taxable income through the years, and gives immediate visual feedback whether Roth conversion should be considered or dialed back a bit. I've included a screen capture to show an example. For my purposes it is not mandatory but it would be nice to have, and it definitely makes it easier to show my wife what I am up to.

Cheers to everybody,


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Reminds me of a story about Sam Walton (Walmart founder). He took a young executive to a competitor's store and they both looked around and afterwards Sam asked the jr. executive for feedback. The youngster, thinking it was a good chance to impress the boss with his knowledge of retailing, replied along the lines of "It was terrible!" and proceeded to list all the things the competitor was doing wrong.

Sam, being the genius that he was, replied "Hm, I thought their cosmetic displays were quite nice, we're going to do it that way". The real lesson he was trying to teach was that in almost all cases, you can learn and improve at least some things by studying what others are doing.

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@abq-goldgmail-com Thanks, Eric, I an see value in the visualization and so we'll consider that for a future enhancement.


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@ricke Definitely!

