Hi there. I just ran my plan inputs report and noticed a weird line for a HELOC (l_PropertyLoan object (5141) that I know I didn't put in. (We don't even own a home.) And the mystery HELOC doesn't seem to show up in the plan results report.
In Pralana online I don't see anything HELOC related anywhere under the build section (existing loans, new loans, or HELOC draws.) But it still worries me a bit that it's there (for last year?!) and where else it might appear.
Here's the text from the inputs report:
HELOC Draws (scenario 3)
Loan Draw Amount (Today's $) First Draw Year # of Annual Draws
l_PropertyLoan object (5141) 99,000 2024 1
Attached is a pic with the relevant screenshots.
Hi, thank you for reporting this issue. This is a bug in creating the Plan Inputs Report introduced in release 2025/01/04 20:00 ET which added user-defined HELOC draws. It affects the creation of the report only...it does not affect your plan/scenario calculations.
I have developed a fix which will be in the next release.
Charlie Stone
Ahh ok I'll ignore it. Thanks much for the quick response and clarification.