When I set a spending strategy (such as "Constant Spending = 4%") I expecting to find the actual amount of spending in Review > Expenses, but I'm only seeing zeros in Variable Spending column. The column does get added to the table - just doesn't have any dollars in it (except for first retirement year). I've tried several different spending strategies and get same result. Consequence of this is my retirement has 100% success not matter what I do - but obviously not valid.
Any suggestions?
@email12520gmail-com I'm looking at your plan right now and am seeing the variable spending column on the Review > Expenses page populated with non-zero values for every variable spending strategy except for Target % Adjustment, and that's because the spending rate parameter is set to 0. Are you still seeing this problem?
@smatthews51 . Thanks for the reply. I'm not seeing the issue any more. I bounced between a couple of different spending strategies and variable spending showed up in expenses. It's early days for me with the tool - so I wouldn't rule out operator error. I saw the notification about issues with spending strategies so I'm sticking with Consumption Smoothing for now. Loving the tool!