I ran 'Optimize Social Security' (call this Run 1), and Pralana proposed changes to the start age(s) and showed a new optimized 'Final Effective Savings' figure.
I adopted the changes (clicked 'Use Optimized Ages'). And reran 'Optimize Social Security' (call this Run 2) (as suggested by Pralana since Scenario inputs changed). Irrelevant to this topic, but there were no proposed changes in Run 2.
I find that the 'Final Effective Savings' figure for
- Run 2 / Current
was not exactly same as
- Run 1 / Optimized.
The difference was less than .1%.
But, why would they not be exactly same? Did some other scenario inputs change?
On a related note -
Here is a screenshot from the Pralana manual, showing output of a SS optimization run.
Why would the final effective savings for the Optimized case be less than for current?
I was able to replicate the issue of the 'adopted' final savings being slightly different than the stated optimized savings. I have found the root cause, and developed a fix which will be in the next release after some further testing (probably on Thurs Dec 19).
Thank you for reporting this bug.
As for the screenshot in the user manual, that screenshot has been in the manual for months and neither Stuart or I caught it and no one else reported it. We will get it updated ASAP. Thanks for reporting this, also.
Charlie Stone, Pralana