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Upcoming Pralana Book

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Hello team Pralana! Exciting news. To celebrate the upcoming Pralana Online, I've decided to write a book that incorporates my years of professional financial planning (using Pralana!) and hundreds of client experiences to show you all the hints, tips, tricks, and *pitfalls* I've learned.

I wanted a way to reward the loyal users here by making copies available long before the book is publicly released on Amazon, B&N, etc, and this is the best platform I've found. This is the prelaunch page, click the button there to be reminded when it goes live (shooting for July or August).


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Hello team! I had a few questions on this and wanted to clarify. This isn't a GoFundMe 🙂 Kickstarter is just an easy way to get the book to folks a few months prior to the "official" release on Amazon, B&N, Apple, etc. You can't see the details until I start the kickstarter (it's currently in "remind me" pre-start status) but it will include some giveaways for supporters and so forth, to make it fun if the meager goals are hit.

It's a way to pay some of the expenses in creating a book upfront (editing, cover design, publishing costs, etc). Writing a book is not the path to riches, it's typically lower than minimum wage, a labor of love. I just wanted a good mechanism to let folks here, on my Pralana Facebook page, my clients, to get it earlier. It likely won't even cover costs, but that's ok.

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Please let me know when that book comes out. I am a long term Pralana Gold user and still use less than 10% of its capabilities. Your link least to Kickstarter and I do not want to setup account there as it can lead to lot of unnecessary mails.. Thanks..Manjit

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Hello folks. I'm getting pretty far along in my Pralana book, and the kickstarter (link below) is almost fulfilled (thank you!). It ends soon. I'm looking for a few good women/men to beta read the draft copy and let me know if anything needs to changes before I finalize and publish. Send me a private message or email (in signature below) if you're interested. I can't promise I'll pick everyone (he says, knowing he'll be lucky if anyone even responds!). It's on Pralana Online so I would need folks using that version to ensure my stuff is accurate. This will likely occur mid-Sept if not sooner. Who knows we might have general availability for online by then as well.

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Update on the Pralana book. It's done! I had great input from some power users here, Charlie and Stuart of Pralana, and some regular non-Pralana familiar civilians. I sent the Kickstarter backers the eBook as that was the deal for their support. I'm working on the audiobook, so the paperback, hardcover, and audio will be live on Nov 1 on Amazon, B&N, Apple, et al. *However* there's a stealth way to get the ebook if you want it now. Just go to https://wildlakellc.com/collection/nonfiction and buy it. You'll receive an email directing you how to install it on Kindle or your favorite e-reader. Please don't advertise it, I just wanted to put it out there for the Pralana people!

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I bought it today and like what I see so far. I have been using Pralana for many years now and yet found that the book added to the understanding of the tool. I would have liked a pdf version (to read on my computer) but I guess there is not one available in pdf format.

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I bought it today and like what I see so far. I have been using Pralana for many years now and yet found that the book added to the understanding of the tool. I would have liked a pdf version (to read on my computer) but I guess there is not one available in pdf format.

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@sandhu681 Hi Manjit, Thanks for buying the book. You can read it on anything, really. Get the Kindle app or another epub reader (there are many), or just go to read.amazon.com in any browser. You can use https://www.amazon.com/sendtokindle to send any epub file to your kindle library.

Many benefits over PDF format in that it saves your location, highlights, notes, bookmarks for you to print out separately and easily. You can lend the book to family members as well in your kindle account. PDF only makes piracy easier. The epubs are watermarked so you can tell where they came from if they show up on piracy sites or elsewhere, and can be set for DRM encryption to help prevent it.

Also, I put the paperback and hardcover on that wildlakellc.com site as I should have them sometime next week to ship out.

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I volunteered to proofread the book and liked it.

Bill kept the tone light and humorous as he highlighted the big topics that folks should think about in planning their financial future. By walking through the Dick and Jane example that Pralana starts with, Bill leads us through the financial maze and program operation all at once. It's a nice starting point for people new to either planning or Pralana Online.

Hopefully Stuart and Charlie open up sales of the Online version soon so there will be interest in Bill's book.

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Thanks @ricke, you and others here on this forum like Lou, Pizzaman, Wolfram, Bob W, Charlie, and Stuart were a big help in making this book a reality and good quality. It's a niche product, labor of love for DIY planning and Pralana, and won't make much if anything compared to the costs. The mission is to help folks live a better life and avoid the vultures out there that will take advantage of their years of hard work and wreck their retirement. That's my passion. If anyone has bought the book, a review would go a long way toward visibility for the book and Pralana! You can leave a review on any site, but Amazon here (they heavily favor verified purchases, if you bought elsewhere or got a free copy to review just indicate in your review): https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review/?ie%3DUTF8%26channel%3Dglance-detail%26asin%3DB0DHNTSZHG&source=gmail&ust=1728389356137000&usg=AOvVaw2W8n-EcovHxwxS3Uk1anb H"> https://www.amazon.com/review/create-review/?ie=UTF8&channel=glance-detail&asin=B0DHNTSZHG

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The book has appeared on Amazon and (my preference) Kobo, but I ended up buying the book through the Wild Lake site since I'm assuming that is the most beneficial to the author?

Bill, one suggestion... your site says the result will be a PDF file, which isn't true? I actually hesitated to purchase from Wild Lake compared to Kobo since I prefer ePUB (font size controls). Only based on the content of this thread was it clear that it would be an ePUB even from your site. Maybe consider clarifying there?

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@axel Thanks for the heads up! I'll check into that and fix it, since it's ePub for sure. And yes, buying direct cuts out the big chunk that goes to Bezos/Amazon! Thanks so much for supporting, and if you like it please post a review on the Amazon page if you haven't already. I appreciate any and all feedback directly bill@emancipare.com.

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A big thank you to Bill for writing this book. It's wonderfully easy to read. More importantly, I have picked up a lot of retirement tips while learning about the ins and outs of PRC Online.

Even though I have been tinkering with PRC since 2015 and have spent a fair bit of time with my nose in the manuals for the various generations of the software, I have learned a lot about PRC's capabilities from Bill's book. It's very highly recommended.

(In case you are wondering, I have never met Bill and have not had any interactions with him!)

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Excellent book! Is there a good public source for the 10 year average dividend growth that you make use of in the book? I haven't been able to locate one, and would be interested to find one. Thanks

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Hi Bill,

I just purchased the hardcover book from Wild Lake a few minutes ago, and was redirected to a site called 'BookFunnel' that asked for my email but could not then find me.

Is there a problem ?

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