What is the process to migrate from PRC2024 Gold to Online? Is it as simple as create an export file and upload it to Online? In reading the forum posts, it seems like the menus in Online might be slightly different than the Excel version. If so, is there a document that shows where functions have moved to in online? Lastly, does the Online version have a pdf manual? (I like highlighting passages in the soft copy manual).
Yes, all you do is export your plan from Gold and import it to Online.
The Online menus are different. For instance, in Gold, there was a lot going on on the Financial Management tab, that's been broken up into separate menu items. Having gotten used to Gold for several years, I will admit I am not fully comfortable in the new arrangement yet, so there is some learning curve.
You can find the manual on the pralanaretirementcalculator.com homepage, across the top, where it says "Manuals", select that and look for the blue Pralana Online. One of the nice things about Online is that there is a menu item on every tab to open the user manual. Also, many input fields have an information button that explains what it is doing. The outputs include what is called a Metric MRI for key fields like account balances that shows a summary level of the ins and outs. That makes it much easier to verify that the model is interpreting your inputs as you intended.