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Plan does not update when child birth date changes

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I accidentally entered a date in the future for my child birth year (2029). I was confused why no education expenses were showing and eventually tracked down my mistake. But when I corrected the birth year to 2009, the education expenses still did not show up. To fix it, I had to delete the child and reeneter all the data about education expenses.

Not a huge problem, but it took me a while to figure out how to work around it.

This is in the online product.

This topic was modified 3 months ago 2 times by John Rauser

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Hi John, I took a look at this. When you change an input, Pralana tries to be smart about what costs are affected and should be updated. For example, if you change a college cost input, there is no need to update rental property expenses. Investigation reveals a bug that did not trigger an update to college costs when the child's year of birth is changed. I will fix that in the next release.

In the course of investigating, I found that if I have a child born long in the future, say 2050, I can still enter college costs starting in 2024 for that child. I will add some logic to require the college costs to start some years after the child is born....maybe min age is 16....or the college start year is invalid.

I also see that the input for your % of college costs defaults to 0%. Perhaps that should be 100% as it is not a required field and if not entered, no college expenses will be included in the scenario projections.

Thank you for reporting this issue.

Charlie Stone, Pralana

This post was modified 3 months ago by Charlie Stone
