I am using PRC2024 (Gold). I have enabled roth conversions. If I run the optimization, it fills in values for the marginal tax brackets and I see information in the conversion amount field. However, if I change the marginal tax brackets, then the conversion amounts are all removed. Also, the Replicate 1st Row button does not seem to do anything.
Am I missing something or doing something wrong?
@reg Since the marginal tax bracket inputs are meant to limit the annual Roth conversion amount, it could be that the bracket limits you've specified are preventing any conversion and, hence, the conversion amounts are removed. I just ran a test on my system and the Replicate 1st Row button is working normally, so I really can't say what issue you may be seeing. I'd be happy to look at this with your actual file if you'd send it or an export file to me at mail@pralanaconsulting.com.