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Healthcare table modelling

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I'm having trouble figuring out how to set up our healthcare expenses. Here’s the situation: I’m 64 and not working, while my wife is 57 and currently working. We’re covered under her employer’s group insurance plan, which is a family plan. My wife plans to keep working for a few more years (scenario 3), and I want to stay on her group plan instead of switching to Medicare when I turn 65 in 2024.

However, PRC seems to assume that I will transition to Medicare when I turn 65, showing Medicare costs instead of the group insurance costs for 2025, 2026, and beyond. How can I adjust the model to reflect that both my wife and I will continue on her group insurance plan until she stops working say on January 1, 2028? After that, I’ll switch to Medicare and my wife will move to ACA.

I am using the excel version PRC2024.2.3.3-sgtjmb.

This topic was modified 5 months ago 2 times by Sriv Navaratnam

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Posts: 427

I don't have it up in front of me, but I think you can just uncheck the auto calculate Medicare premiums check box. Keep in mind that when you do start using it, you'll have to add those base part B and D premiums back in. I'd check the manual for guidance, it's awesome.
